Greetings my friends,
Sorry for the delay in providing the information you deserve to hear. I've been out of town, but I'm back ready to raise hell. Now hear this, do you all know who really running things at TSU. I don't think anybody really knows, but one thing for sure is that Lil John Rudley has really F**Ked things up. Sources tell me that tension is on the rise at the University due to Lil John really screwing up the financial part of the institution. The battle continues between Lil John, Crooked Back Douglas, and Go Get 'Em Gloria. But the s*** is about to hit the fan. Sources close to "I BE DAMN," has confirmed that Board members are really pissed at Lil John for so many reasons. First, he is a big let down. Poor lil man doesn't know how to run a University. Hell, he has brought just about the entire U of H workforce at TSU. I guess he figure you black folks can't get it right, so he brought in the other side. Well, Lil John, WHITE, DON'T MAKE IT RIGHT. It should be an insult to the entire TSU campus that your President has brought the White calvary in to contain ya'll. Ain't that some S***! Now, is it me or what? How many of you think President Barack Obama should put former President George W. Bush in his administration? I think you may all say: Hell, no!! O.K. Now, why in the Hell would Lil John hire a former President of TSU who was fired from his post? That's his first mistake among the many we will discuss in this platform. Second, sources close to us, indicate that four board members are really pissed at Lil John. You see, they told him to fire McKen Carrington in the law school, but Lil John, by way of Crooked Back Douglas, convinced the board to wait until after graduation. It is rumored that the Board wanted Carrington out for spring break! Ain't that some s***! Now, if this is true, this is pitiful. How many of you would not do what your boss asked you to do? Legally, now. Let's not repeat the Prissy and Quentin saga. Word has it that Lil John is quickly losing the support of the Board. Ya'll better get on board!! Secondly, I hear you all need to cut the budget. Too much money being spent. Well, just look at all the money Lil man pays the people in his office. Look at the professors in the law school who teach one class and get paid Full-time salary. Oh, I almost forgot! Sources close to "I Be Damn!" tells us that the law school is supplementing Carol Robinson's salary. Now isn't he the guy in the public affairs school who used to be associate dean. Think about this ya'll. If he resigned or was fired as associate dean, then that means a loss of income. Then he get's on the payroll of the law school, if this is true. Hmmm! How many of you would be able to gain income you loss from one position. It is rumored to be the works of Crooked Back. This is how it works. Take care of your friends. Things really haven't changed, but they can. You all have the power to change the past. I will conclude this session. This is more than enough now. Next time, we shall discuss hirings at the law school, especially in the Earl Carl Institute. Is ya'll ready? Don't be Scared! Before I go, look at all the Associate and Assistant Deans in the law school. Is that really necessary? How you doing?
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